Coined Terms
This is a page for all the terms we have coined on Discord, just so that they are public and easily available.I am a RadInclus and support all good faith identities! I am pro-endo/pro-nontraumagenic as well as all good faith plural identities!
Gender and Sexuality

Husbandgender is a xenogender associated with husbands in any form. It can also be a gender where ones gender is closely tied to the traditional role of a husband in ones culture, regardless of if they identify as a man, their marital status, or desire to be in a long-term serious relationship.
The flag meaning is as follows:
The ring represents commitment. The red represents strength and protection. Blue is devotion to family. White is wedding and marriage imagery. Pink represents love for your spouse, and green represents providing for the family.

Wifegender is a xenogender associated with wives in any form. can also be a gender where ones gender is closely tied to the traditional role of a wife in one's culture, regardless of if they identify as a woman, their marital status, or desire to be in a long-term serious relationship.
The flag meaning is as follows:
The ring represents commitment. The purple represents tenderness and thoughtfulness. The blue is intimacy and competence. The white is wedding and marraige imagery. Orange is dominion over the home, and pink represents the love for your spouse.
Unisexual* (I am not the original coiner!)

This is my version of a unisexual flag! The circle represents the target of attraction, and the stripe represents the level of attraction. Outside of the circle it is pink, representing little to no attraction. Inside of the circle it is red, representing intense attraction. The grey represents those who are not your target of attraction.
This is a uniattractional symbol I created! I understand it is very romance-coded. The heart represents attraction and the line leading to a single node represents the single target of attraction.
Impostorgender is a xenogender where you feel like an imitation of another gender. It can line up with being GNC, but the imitation of that genders roles and expression is part of your gender itself. The original impostogender flag is quite bright because it was picked from the Among Us crewmate colors, so I have omitted it for now.
Raspberry System
A system whos members tend to identify as one singular person despite being distinct pieces (like the little fruitlets of a whole raspberry). Additionally, members may not feel like they are separate from the system or other members, much like how a raspberry is made up of fruitlets but a fruitlet on its own is not a raspberry.
Flag is not made by us! Credit goes to Seph and Phanmura

A state of being both canon and noncanon, between canon and noncanon, or being based on canon yet so divorced or different from it that it puts into question whether you are a canon character or not. An example of this would be a Supernatural AU in which the Winchesters never became Hunters, or a Harry Potter AU in which Hogwarts never existed. ONLY meant to describe experiences and beings such as fictives, fictionkin, etc. and not to be used for discussing tropes and media.
A term for a character who has taken the place of a canon one, without being one. An example would be a kid with trauma and emotional issues being called to pilot a mech to protect their city from an otherwordly threat known as "Angels", but is not Shinji Ikari. This term is ONLY meant to describe experiences and beings who are fictionbased, and is not a word to discuss tropes or media. (originally/unofficially coined on my tumblr)