The Truth About Berries

Fruit List

Below is a list of many fruits, whether or not they are berries, and what type of fruit they are. If you are confused on the meaning of the words used here, head on over to the Introduction page for a quick list of definitions, or the More Information page for a more comprehensive guide. This list includes items that are fruits scientifically but vegetables culinarily. For the purposes of this webpage, the scientific definition is used.
A list of fruits and their botanical classification
Fruit Is It a Berry? Type
Açaí No Drupe
Ackee No
Apple No Pome
Apricot No Drupe
Avocado Yes Berry
Banana Yes Berry
Bell pepper Yes Berry
Bilberry Yes Berry
Blackberry No Aggregate/Drupe
Blackcurrant Yes Berry
Black sapote Yes Berry
Blue honeysuckle Yes Berry
Blueberry Yes Berry
Boysenberry No Aggregate
Breadfruit No Multiple/Achene
Buddha's Hand/Fingered citron Yes Hesperidium
Cactus pear No
Chile pepper Yes Berry
Crab apple No Pome
Cherry No Drupe
Cherimoya/Custard apple N/A "Compound fruit"
Cloudberry No Aggregate/Drupe
Coconut No Drupe
Cranberry Yes Berry
Cucumber Yes Pepo
Damson No Drupe
Date No Drupe
Eggplant Yes Berry
Fig No Multiple/Accessory/Drupe
Grape Yes Berry
Grapefruit Yes Hesperidium
Guava Yes Berry
Huckleberry Yes Berry
Jabuticaba Yes Berry
Jackfruit No Multiple
Jambul Yes Berry
Japanese plum (Prunus mume) No Drupe
Jostaberry Yes Berry
Jujube No Drupe
Kiwano Yes Pepo
Kiwifruit Yes Berry
Kumquat Yes Hesperidium
Lemon Yes Hesperidium
Lime Yes Hesperidium
Loganberry No Aggregate/Drupe
Lychee No Drupe
Mamoncillo No Drupe
Mango No Drupe
Marionberry No Drupe
Mediterranean hackberry No Drupe
Melon Yes Pepo
Miracle fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) Yes Berry
Mulberry No Multiple
Nectarine No Drupe
Olive No Drupe
Orange Yes Hesperidium
Papaya Yes Pepo
Passionfruit Yes/td> Pepo
Pea No Legume
Peach No Drupe
Pear No Pome
Persimmon Yes Berry
Pineapple No Multiple fruit
Pineberry No Accessory, Multiple/Achene ("seeds")
Plantain Yes Berry
Plum No Drupe
Pomegranate Yes Berry
Pomelo Yes Hesperidium
Pumpkin Yes Pepo
Quince No Pome
Raspberry No Aggregate/Drupe
Rambutan No Drupe
Redcurrant Yes Berry
Satsuma Yes Hesperidium
Strawberry No Accessory, Multiple/Achene ("seeds")
Surinam cherry Yes Berry
Squash Yes Pepo
Tamarind No Legume
Tangelo Yes Hesperidium
Tayberry No Aggregate/Drupe
Tomato Yes Berry
Ugli fruit Yes Hesperidium
White sapote No Drupe
Yuzu Yes Hesperidium
Zucchini Yes Pepo