The Truth About Berries

What are Berries?

  Berries are a type of fruit, but the type of fruit they are changes based on whether you're talking botanically or commonly. In the words common usage, a berry refers to any small, pulpy, and edible fruit. In the botanical usage, a berry is a fleshy fruit without a stone/pit that is produced from a single flower containing one ovary.
Diagram of a lemon, a type of hesperidium.
 Pepos are also a special type of berry. They are defined by their hard outer rind, but no internal devisions. This is the term used for members of the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae.
A cross section of a cucumber, a type of pepo.

Wait, what do all those words mean?!

A pit is the hard seed in the center of a fruit. Cherries and peaches have stones/pits! On a flower, the ovary is the part of the pistil which hosts the ovules, structures which will grow into seeds. The flesh of berries comes from only one floral ovary.

What are other types of fruit?

Other types of fruit are not limited to, but include: